Chosing What is Best

Last month we found out our youngest son Evan is having seizures. At the time, we were sent to a neurologist here in town. I was never totally comfortable with him after accidentally seeing some reviews online. However, we went to the appointment to try and go ahead and get the ball rolling. We wanted Evan to get some relief as quickly as possible. After the appointment, Stewart and I both were uneasy with this doctor. We decided to proceed with an MRI that had been ordered, and after that, we were going to decide once and for all whether we were staying with this doctor.

We have tried to have the MRI twice at two different hospitals, and both times, it has not happened. The first time the hospital had an equipment failure. The second time it was the doctor's fault. I had prayed the night and morning before the last MRI was supposed to happen that God would make it clear if we were supposed to see someone else. He not only made it clear, but He put up a billboard! However, I felt guilty that we were going against our pediatrician's recommendation. I also had a twinge (albeit small) of guilt that we would be leaving this doctor, even though we didn't like him. Many people had agreed that we were making the right decision, yet I struggled in my heart.

This morning as I was studying the Bible, God brought this scripture before me: “'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.'”
‭‭(Luke‬ ‭10:41-42‬ ‭NIV‬‬) I can't tell you how many times Mary and Martha have been mentioned in my life lately. Martha scurrying around the kitchen. Mary listening closely at Jesus' feet. Every time it is convicting in one way or the other. Today, it was convicting in this way. I am so much like Martha. I am always rushing around, trying to get things accomplished and make everyone happy. But sometimes, what makes everyone else happy is not what is BEST. No, it may not make everyone happy that we want another doctor for Evan. It may not be easiest and most convienient. But we need to choose what is best. What is best is staying close to Jesus and listening at His feet. I know that in the long run, we will be glad we followed the Lord's instructions and did the hard thing.

I want to ask you to please pray for us. These last few months with Evan have been taxing for many reasons - not just the seizures. Pray for God to work all things for good.
