The Downpour

We here in Louisiana know a good ole downpour when it happens. We've been getting one the past couple of days courtesy of what is left of Hurricane Patricia. While we needed the rain, I'm certain we didn't need as much as we have gotten. However, we will not be ungrateful. You never know when the heavens may close up and you might need it again. Sometimes - and for me, these times are rare - I sense that I'm in the middle of a downpour of God's good favor. While I should sense that all the time, some seasons God seems to make it so plain.

First, the Minister's Wives Retreat. I cannot even quantify the goodness of our Lord. That He would choose me for such a task. That Adrienne and Melinda would join me. That we would laugh with LeAnne and Patti until we cried. That I would get to see teary-eyed servants of the Lord thank me for leading them to the throne. I am just stunned by Him. I am blessed to get to do something I love.

Second, in the middle of driving rain outside, Zachary entered the waters of baptism today and preached his first sermon to the world - telling all that he has placed his faith in Jesus Christ. To hear Stewart say, "I baptize you my son and my brother in Christ," is something I hope I never forget. I hope Zach never forgets this day. I hope he never forgets the number of people that stood when Stewart asked for those who had influenced him to stand. I hope the sight of those who came and ate cake with him after church never leaves him. The notes and the gifts will go away some day. I hope the memory never does. It was a sweet day. Streams of grace all around. Zach called it, "The Best Day Ever!" Indeed.

Never for a moment think that you are outside of God's favor. He is excited about you at all times! His downpour of favor for you happened on the cross. While life may be tough and your day may be gray, His love for you continues. Always and forever. Thank You, Jesus, for this downpour in my life. Continue to open up the heavens so I can see You!
