Anonymous Encouragement

There's not too terribly much going on around here. Our plans changed for the weekend, and we are beyond blessed by that! The preacher's family always likes an excuse to stay home and snuggle on a fall weekend!

Encouraging your pastor's wife is always a good idea, but this week I received something quite unusual. A card came in the mail to me, addressed very differently from what is the norm. There was no return address. When I opened it, this is what I found:

I have no idea who you are. I have no idea how you know me or if you will ever read this. But thank you. Lately, I have struggled with whether or not to continue this blog because of a lack of interest in it. But you, kind person, have given me a reason to keep writing. That my trials would mean anything to anyone else just amazes me. And Lamentations 3 is one of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible. Thank you, dear one, for allowing the Lord to use you in my life. I am honored that He would choose to use me in yours.


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