Seeking the Divine from the Human

As I was going to sleep the other night, I was frustrated. Evan is still having seizures. We have increased the level of his medication twice, and he is still experiencing them. In fact, that day he had had so many that I wondered if we were even on medicine. He had also cut himself over his left eye, causing him to look like he had been in a prize fight. The next day we woke up to his eyes being nearly swollen shut with bacterial pink eye. Five days later, he was kind enough to give it to me.

It is so hard for me to watch my child suffer and not be able to do anything about it. As I was lying in bed, I was thinking to myself that I wished I had someone I could go to that would help me. Someone I could tell about all that was going on. Someone that would get up immediately and fix the problem. Someone who cared. Someone who would understand if I cried or got mad.

And then a voice inside me said, "You're forgetting you do have someone like that. His name is Jesus."

I was looking for someone that was living and breathing, here in the flesh. While that's great, whomever that person ended up being would have no power to fix any problem I have. Why am I seeking a finite, human person? The Infinite, Almighty God is my helper. “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Psalm‬ ‭121:1-2‬) Why am I seeking the divine from the human? No human person can deliver what I need. Only Jesus can.
