Some Observations from #MonoChristmas2015

Just a few things from this #MonoChristmas2015:

1. I am almost sick of Christmas movies because all I do all day is watch them. I am blessing the Lord for today being Sunday and football being on ALL DAY!!!!

2. I am also sick of the Christmas commercials.

3. Amazon Prime has saved Christmas in this family this year. For real.

4. I miss coffee. I haven't been able to drink it due to my stomach issues related to the virus. Life is almost not worth living.

5. My husband remains my super hero even though he stepped on a piece of glass on Friday and is hobbling. Thank goodness he had a doctor's appointment already scheduled because they had to DIG THE PIECE OF GLASS OUT OF HIS FOOT. And I do mean DIG.

6. Having no energy means I have not wrapped any gifts since the first week of December. If I just hand you a gift with no wrapping, just smile politely and say, "Thank you." If you don't get a gift at all, sorry. It is what it is this year.

7. Friends are essential. I have had friends pick up my kids from school, bring food, and send cards. I am so grateful! It has me thinking I need to be a better friend...

8. I went to church this morning. Score one for me for getting out of the house! Yet take those points away because I've felt horrible the rest of the day. That's kind of how this virus goes. You wake up in the morning thinking you can conquer the world, but then you get out of bed and realize it ain't happening.

9. On the subject of the virus, this is day 22 of fever. The whole shootin' match started 3 weeks ago tomorrow. This thing is no joke.

10. My poor kids are having to deal with me not being in the most "festive" mood. They are used to this in small doses, but 3 weeks of it is hard. I try really hard to take my feelings out on them, but it happens without me knowing it sometimes.

11. Our minister of music Chris quoted John 3:17 this morning, and it was just what this soul needed. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” I've been condemning myself for being sick and not being able to do Christmas. After hearing this verse, I was reminded that Christ did not come to condemn me, but to save me. So much in this world tries to condemn us - social media, other people, TV programs. Yes, Jesus did come to point out our sin and make us realize our need for Him, but He didn't do it through condemnation. He did it by living a perfect life and then dying a sinner's death. He took on my condemnation so now there is no condemnation for me! (Romans 8:1). Now that's some joy to the world right there! What a perfect gift!

(P.S. Thank you if you have prayed for us. We continue to need it!)
