What the Preacher's Wife Does When She's Sick But It's Chrstimas

Two weeks ago after finishing Carols and Keys, I noticed I wasn't feeling well and hadn't been for most of the week. There wasn't much I could put my finger on. I wasn't congested, my ears weren't hurting, nor was I coughing. I just felt bad and hurt all over. I was sweaty, achy, I had a constant headache, and I just all over did not feel normal. After about 5 days of this, I started running fever. I prepared Stewart for the worst (what to do in case I had the flu), yet I woke the next morning, which happened to be Sunday, feeling decent. No fever, just extremely tired and a little achy. So on to church I went. It's Christmas, and I was to play "second piano" again, so there was no choice about what I was going to do. I was going to church.

This cycle repeated itself all the next week. Pain, fever, nausea, lethargy. Yet the kids had to be shuttled and fed. I still had to prepare for a party here at our house. I still had Christmas presents that had to be bought. (I'd just like to publicly thank God for Amazon Prime!) Stewart, as always, has been my hero and done tasks that I simply did not have the strength to do. He has come home after a long day at work to a sink full of dishes, half-done laundry, kids that needed to be bathed, and he did it all. He is such a gift.

I went to church yet again this Sunday not feeling well. My Sunday school class was having a Christmas breakfast and during it we were supposed to make a Christmas card for a nursing home patient. The crafting was just something I could not do. I just did not have the energy to try and figure out how to make a card. That night was our Christmas musical, and thankfully, I only had a small solo at the very beginning. Stewart was the one who had a major speaking part and two duets, and he did amazing! I was so proud! But after the program, I had used all the energy I had, and I was done for the day.

I went to the doctor last Monday, but nothing came of it. They drew blood, but it took over a week for me to find out anything. The nurse called today to say I have a virus that is in the same family as mono. There is no medicine for it. I just have to rest and wait it out.

I am not writing this post for you to feel sorry for me or for you to feel like you have to do something for me. That is not my intention. Trust me, I don't need a thing! My purpose is to be a cautionary tale for you. I also want our church family to know why I may have to miss some events in order to save up energy and strength for more important events. Know your limits, folks! Know when you are overloaded and tired and rest. This season is supposed to be one of joy, and so often I am guilty of making it one of stress. A friend recently posted a meme that said something to the effect of you either take time and rest on your own or God will make you rest. I now know that to be true! Even the Almighty, All-Powerful, Word Become Flesh had to rest (Mark 6:31).

I am trying to learn my lesson during all of this. The biggest thing God has reminded me is that this season is about Jesus. Not my stress. Not my to-do list. It's about Him. Emmanuel. God with us. Let's all stop in the hustle and bustle of the holiday and worship Him! He alone is worthy!

This is me in a happier moment before our college Christmsa party. Gotta have an ugly sweater!


  1. It is one of the hardest things to do. Yes we have to chose our battles and precious one I'm 62 and just this past year am I'm truly putting this in motion. I always pushed till my body shut down. I hope you learn this lesson and put it in to action. Friends in Christ


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