Proud Mama Moment (Don't Read if You Don't Want to Hear About It)

I've been meaning to write all week but an episode of "Rebecca Got an Upper-Respiratory Infection after Carols and Keys" has been playing here since Monday. Finally went to the doctor yesterday, and let me tell you, steroids are GREAT! Other than the fact that I didn't sleep hardly at all last night, I have so much energy! I'm super productive girl today!

Anyway, as I mentioned, Carols and Keys was Sunday night. This year was very special because I got to play with my stepmom Jo. It was lots of fun, and I think we may do it again someday.

But the best part was that I got to play my first ever duet with Zach. I had talked him into it about a month ago, and I was hoping he would not back out. He wanted to, but I wouldn't let him. And as you can see from the pictures, it was a good thing I didn't.

"Do you see me people? I just did a great job!"

And in this one, Mama is proud!

I certainly hope that is not our last duet. However, he just got a saxophone. So there's no telling...
