
Sorry I haven't written in a while. A lot is happening here - some of which I hope to be able to share with you all soon. God is moving, and I am hearing from Him so much. I am most grateful for His word and how He uses it in my life. Right now, we have two things to celebrate!

First, happy two year blogiversary! January 23 marked two years of blogging for me! Thank you to all of you who have told me how much this is a blessing to you. Actually, you are all a blessing to me! Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for sharing my blog with others. And thank You, Jesus, for using me in some small way. All glory is His.

Also, January 31 is the 20th anniversary of mine and Stewart's first date. If you remember my "Here's the Story" series from this past summer, you will remember that we went to see the re-release of Star Wars IV: A New Hope. Believe it or not, I have a keepsake from that night. Because the theaters were selling out, Stewart had bought our tickets ahead of time. When he bought the tickets, he got this:

It was laying on the seat when I got into his car. And I kept it! (And no, you can't buy it.) So, thanks for asking me out, Stewart! I'm so glad we're still "dating!" 

(By the way, the rest of the date included dinner at The Wok, which is an Alexandria landmark, if you are not familiar with this area. We still eat there every once in a while and laugh about the plastic poinsettias that were on our table. Stewart said that night, "It's not Christmas people. Change the flowers!" And he promptly got up and switched our flowers with another table's flowers! I love that boy.)
