More Power

As we were cleaning for the Super Bowl party, Stewart made a huge discovery in Zach's room. Peeking out from under Zach's bed was a sheet of paper, folded nine ways to Sunday. The writing was multi-colored. But as Stewart read the words, he realized something amazing: Zach had a written a song. When I read it, I nearly was a puddle on the floor. Here are the words:

Jesus Lord and Savior, Son of God Most High
The most powerful man has come to live with us.

He is here, He is here
He will keep us safe from Satan's power.

Unreal, right? This 8-year-old is asking for God's power over the evil one. Unbelievable. It was one of those moments that Stewart and I know we may be doing something right. Maybe.

And right now, we need God's power to be at work in this family. In the past week, Evan's seizures have worsened to a new, terrifying point. When he first started having them almost 2 years ago, they were brief and over quickly. Now, his seizures are causing many new issues. It is also taking him longer to recover from them. We have no idea why this happened, and so far, we have had no help for him. Thus, we are seeking new medical treatment.

With this serious down-turn, I feel the need to start asking for prayer for Evan more frequently. I don't want to have to blog every time something happens, because that may not be possible all the time. In lieu of that, Stewart and I are starting a Facebook page called "Prayers for Evan." We ask that you go and like it and please share it with those who are prayer warriors. As I told someone Saturday, we are in a desperate situation and there is no one else who can help but the Great Physician. He is the Supreme Power that can heal Evan. We are asking Him to do just that. And I am still asking for the "immeasurably more" that He told me to pray for several weeks ago.

We appreciate all your love and prayers. Thank you in advance for all of it!
