Brain Break

We've been busy lately. I mean busy. The kind of busy that I have not cooked a meal in 2 weeks. Y'all, that is serious busy for us!

Zach came home this week singing a song called, "I Get Loose". After initially being taken aback by the fact that my child was actually singing a song that he learned at school (He never does that! He always clams up when we ask him about what they sing at school.), I decided I should research the song and see what all the fuss was about. I found out that the song is a brain break - a way for the children in his class to get the "wiggles" out while in the middle of working hard during the school day.

I think brain breaks are a super idea! In fact, I think I need a brain break! I think we all do sometimes. We all need to turn our brains off for a while and reboot. With all that's been going on in this house, I am happy to say that Stewart and I are getting a "brain break" this week. We are going on vacation ALONE!

Did you hear me?


I cannot wait. Keeping our marriage healthy is a priority to us in the midst of ministry, kids, and life busyness. This trip will help us get the reboot we need. So excuse us as we take a "brain break" this week! And I hope you get a chance to do the same soon!
