Journaling Your Prayers: Part 1

My best friend Diana is one of the most fantastic gift-givers on the planet! For my birthday this year, she gave me something that I will most assuredly use - a new journal! Here it is...

Isn't it beautiful? It is made from an old music book and still has some of the original pages in it. I love it! Probably this week I will begin journaling in it during my quiet time.

I began journaling in college. I had kept a diary during my teen years, but after I started college, any extra time for writing about how cute certain guys were was out the window. Once I began doing a consistent quiet time during my junior year of college, I found that I had to do it at night. By that time, I was so tired that I could barely concentrate. God was revealing Himself in new ways to me, and I had to find a way to record that. I found that if I wrote my prayers to God, my spiritual life really changed. I felt like I was going somewhere instead of just standing still. It really changed everything for me.

Ever since then, there is no telling how many journals I have filled. I wish I knew that number, but I don't. Contained in those pages are the joys and frustrations of my life. You would see how God has answered prayer time and time again. You would find how I've messed up. You'll find how I've been restored. In those pages are my spiritual history. I doubt anyone would find them useful but me. But someday my children will be able to look back and see how God moved in my life. That in itself is priceless.

Next week: Journaling Pointers
