What the Preacher's Wife Does When She's Not at Church on Sunday

My mom used to say that the loneliest job on earth was a pastor's wife. I don't know how she knew that, since she wasn't one. But she was right on target. It is an extremely lonely position at times. And it's never more lonely than when one of your kids is sick on Sunday, and you don't get to go to church. So here's a run-down of what a Sunday is like when you send your preacher-husband off to church without you.

1. Since the baby woke you up at 12:15 a.m. and you wound up sleeping on the floor in the baby's room, you are dead-dog tired. Not just like a normal day tired. DEAD-DOG TIRED. Delirium sets in as you think of ways to try and get a nap at some point during the day and realize this may be impossible.

2. You still have to get your other child dressed and fed and to church. Since the preacher left before 6:00 a.m., you have to find someone to take this child to church. You are blessed that your fellow queen and associate pastor's wife is always willing to do this.

3. You take time to pray for your husband. Sunday is the day he does what God called him to do - preach the gospel. You pray for fearlessness for him and for the Lord to do something great in worship today.

4. You are still hoping against hope that the baby will nap, but no deal.

5. You would think the pastor's wife would be watching a church service on TV. You'd be wrong. She finds that the Hallmark Channel is doing Christmas in July. Win.

6. The baby finally naps. Angels sing.

7. The preacher comes home from church with Subway and a Diet Coke. Faith in humanity is restored.

8. Oldest child goes home from church with Super Gram. What a blessing.

9. Praise be to God, your pediatrician is now open on the weekend! You call and go right in. We hit the trifecta of illness - croup, cold, and ear infection. After a visit with the doctor and a shot, glorious meds are on the way! Then they held the baby so you could pull your car up to the door since it was pouring rain. We love our pediatrician's office!

10. Baby falls asleep on the way home. You get the baby out of the car with the stealth of a jungle cat, trying to not wake the baby TOO much so he will nap and then YOU MIGHT NAP AGAIN. Doesn't work. Baby screams. Foiled again.

11. Because you've been basically Home Alone (I'm currently watching that on the Hallmark Channel. Thus the pun.) all day, you've had the munchies. Not good for the diet.

12. Hubby and big boy come home after Sunday night church hungry, and you're hungry again, too. Luckily, your hubby brought you a Blizzard. He is the best.

13. Hubby tells you how many people missed you today at church, and you remember that you have the best job in the world - pastor's wife! You fall into bed finally, knowing God has been faithful yet again today.

(P.S. It's only 118 days until Countdown to Christmas begins on the Hallmark Channel. I thought you needed to know.)


  1. This is hysterical! Rebecca please write a book, love your sense of humor.


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