Here's the Story:Part One

A long time ago, at a Baptist college not far from here, a young sophomore was wandering aimlessly through her school year. She had thought the year would be different. She had thought it would be tons of fun and that she would be working at a church playing the piano. But none of that had come to be. Her friends all seemed to be going in other directions, and the piano job hadn't worked out. She was feeling alone and very far from God.

That same semester this girl had met a guy that she had seen around the school before. She knew of him, but she did not know him well. He had suddenly appeared at her lunch table one day with a group of her friends, but she still didn't really know who he was. He continued to show up with her lunch group until one day, no one was left of the lunch group except the girl and this "new" guy. They began talking - actually, he talked a lot, and she listened. He told her that he was a youth minister at a small church not far from the college. A few weeks later, he told her how his home church had asked if he would come back and be their music minister. The girl listened intently as he told how he would need a new organist because the church was without one. Knowing she played the piano, he asked her if she could play the organ. This girl had a small knowledge of the organ, but not much. She could make it through a Sunday morning service, but Bach was out of the question. He then asked the question that would change her life (though she didn't know it at the time). "If they call me as music minister, would you be willing to come be our organist?" She agreed, thinking nothing would ever come of this. He would forget her. All guys usually did.

Well, he didn't. Several weeks later, there she was playing the organ at his church. And she and the guy were getting to be close friends. They ate together most days at school. They talked after class. They talked on the phone. Her friends started accusing her of liking the boy. She adamantly denied it. She was still hung up on something that was never going to happen in her faraway hometown. She couldn't see what was right in front of her. But she was about to...

The Christmas season came, and the whole college was preparing to celebrate with their yearly semi-formal. It was the biggest social event of the year on campus. The girl and her mom had bought a dress, but there was no date. All her friends had dates. Even the ugly girls had dates, but not her. A week before the event, and it was clear she would be going alone. Finally, she had a plan. What if she asked her new guy friend to just hang out with her? It wouldn't be a date. Oh no. She didn't like him like that. It would just be a friend thing. She discussed this plan with another friend who knew this guy. She offered to arrange this, and she did. The guy friend called and asked the girl to go to the semi-formal with him. They had a wonderful time, but when the night was over, they said goodbye at the girls' dorm, and the date was done. Neither of them had any idea what would happen next.

(More next week!)


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