#SabbaticChronicles2016: Overcomer, Come

I am writing to you today from a cottage on Coronado Island, California! It's so beautiful here, y'all. We Holloway's are not a beach people, but Stewart and I are soaking up this beautiful scenery and LOVING IT! We have walked I don't know how many miles, but we have enjoyed the walks in the cool, ocean air. We have eaten wonderful new things that probably cancelled out the 5 miles we walked today. Oh well! It's been a joy to be here - just the two of us, celebrating 15 years of marriage!

We have been posting a few pictures here and there of our travels, and I invite you to visit Facebook to see those. #StewartonaStick is still with us, however, he has gotten left in the red Mustang convertible a bunch. We hope to do better with him tomorrow.

You might think we are out here in Southern California, oblivious to all that is going on in the world. Not at all. We have been keeping up with the news from Baton Rouge because it actually slightly affected us. Zach was in Baton Rouge last week with Stewart's sister Jan and her husband Phil. Sunday morning when the shooting happened, he was at a church with Jan and Phil, and they were locked down for a time. Jan and Phil were to pass Zach off to Gram on Sunday after church, but they were unable to return to their house to get Zach's belongings. However, they wanted to get Zach out of Baton Rouge as soon as possible. So they left to meet Gram and Evan, with only the clothes on his back. Jan shipped them all back to Alexandria today.

Of course, we were unnerved by all of this and could not wait to hear some kind of news about where Zach was or what was going on. We finally got to talk to him around 8:30 p.m., and he talked 90 miles an hour! He was fine though. The church apparently pulled out some ice cream for the kids, so he was all good!

We are saddened by the world we live in. Stewart and I have both prayed for the Baton Rouge community over the past couple of days, but I have been praying for the world at large that is in need of a Savior. Being here in California outside of the Bible Belt opens your eyes even more to the need around us. So many are lost. So many are hurting without hope. Politics won't help. Only Jesus can. "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Overcomer, come quickly. Come heal us. Come save those who are lost. We need You and You alone!

Just thought you'd enjoy the view from our convertible! 
