This is the Day

"This is the day the Lord has made.
    We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24, NLT)

We say this verse almost flippantly sometimes. In fact, the checker at Walmart quoted it to me yesterday, commenting on what a lovely day it was outside. And it was. Don't get me wrong. 

But as I read this verse this morning in my daily Bible reading, I thought to myself, "This is not a day I'm going to rejoice over." Why is that? Today Evan was fitted for a helmet. Not for riding a bike. Not for playing sports. A helmet to protect his head because his seizures have gotten so severe.

In the past month, a lot has happened with him. One night after getting home late from a college event, he almost bit through his tongue because of a seizure. He bumped his head at school, and that wound keeps getting reopened. He hit his nose at Gram's house, and his nose bled. There has just been too much blood at our house, and something had to give.

Last week we saw Evan's pediatric neurologist and told him how Evan's seizures seem to have changed and worsened. The staff at the day school at church had noticed things. His Sunday school teachers had noticed things. So obviously something was up. His doctor increased all his medicines and came up with a plan to try and get these horrible seizures under control.

After we started noticing these changes, I began sensing from the Lord that I needed to focus myself in prayer for Evan. I stayed off Facebook for an entire week to pray. I talked to Stewart about doing something intentional to have others start praying for him. We discussed several options, but after much thought and prayer, I wound up sending an email to our closest friends and prayer warriors. My request was this: that Evan be completely healed from seizures. Completely. No more seizures. And I know no one else that can do it but the Almighty Great Physician. That is a big prayer, but it's a prayer that I know God can handle. He has been in the past and still is the Miracle Worker. We are asking Him for a miracle for Evan.

So I can rejoice in today. Why? Because I know God hears my prayers. He sees our need. And in His time, He will answer. If you look back up at verse 21 of Psalm 118, it says, 

"I thank you for answering my prayer
    and giving me victory!"

Lord, I thank You ahead of time for answering ours prayers and giving us victory! We ask for healing for our sweet Evan, in Jesus' mighty and powerful Name! 

Here is Evan playing with the paper on the receptionist's desk at the place where we're getting the helmet. He almost tore it off, because that's how we roll. He is a wiggle worm!


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