The Coffee Conspiracy: Part 3

Dear Keurig,

You've been looking at my funny lately. (As if you have eyes. I do realize you are just a machine that produces beloved coffee.) I don't blame you though. Something strange happened several months ago. It wasn't your fault. In fact, it had nothing to do with you. It had to do with the beverage you produce.

Several months ago, I went through some terrible gastrointestinal problems that caused me to make major changes in my diet. (You can read it about it here.) I had excruciating pain when it all first happened, and coffee was one of the things that I could not even think about drinking. As I began to heal, I thought I would be able to come back to my precious morning boost. I was able to reincorporate a lot of the things that had first sickened me back into my routine. But while we were on vacation in South Dakota in June, I tried to drink coffee, and it made me very, very sick. I was so sad. There are so many coffees that I love. We passed so many Starbucks this summer, and I had to drink their new iced teas (which are great, by the way). The one saving grace was that I was still able to drink iced coffee, which gave me a little taste of what I was missing.

Now all these months later, dear Keurig, I have come to love hot tea. I began drinking it almost immediately after my sickness began because it didn't upset my stomach. I already liked hot tea, but I mainly only drank it in the winter or if I had a sore throat. I had always kept a supply of a blackberry sage tea that my friend Marie had introduced to me. I usually always had mint tea on hand, which is one of Zach's favorites. After my illness, I started experimenting with other flavors and found out that I LOVE EARLY GREY! I mean super love. Adrienne has furthered my love of hot tea with a blackcurrant flavor that I am currently drinking way too fast. I love hot tea! And you, Keurig, have provided the hot water for that tea faithfully every morning, and I thank you.

But here's the problem: the pumpkin spice coffees have returned to the store shelves, signaling fall is not far behind them. (If only the Louisiana weather would cooperate.) I open my cabinet every morning and see last year's leftovers staring at me from behind my tea caddy my husband so lovingly made me. So Keurig, you and I may be venturing to try those very soon. We'll keep our fingers crossed. My stomach has been behaving itself lately, so maybe it's ready. Maybe, Keurig, you will finally get back to your intended purpose. However, we will still probably have tea. A lot.

Thanks for always being there. Please keep working.

A Conflicted Pastor's Wife
