It's the Little Things

In this season of Thanksgiving, I am sometimes not good at being thankful. There. I admitted it. But today, I'm realizing all the little things for which I should be thankful. So here's a list...

I am thankful for snuggling.

I'm thankful for a best friend who loves me enough to want to grow our relationship. She and I are now texting every Friday to catch up and pray for each other.

I'm thankful for a husband who takes over "boy duty" on evening and weekends so I can breathe. I am especially thankful for when he feeds said boys so I don't have to!

I am thankful for sunny days in the midst of winter.

I am thankful for God's protection in the middle of storms.

I am thankful for coupons. Sounds crazy, but the free ice cream cone coupon came in handy a while back.

I am thankful for a Sunday school class full of great girls that make me laugh weekly.

I am thankful for the Dollar Spot at Target. (Don't judge.) I am thankful for the times I get to go to Target alone and shop.

I am thankful for lunch with friends.

I am thankful for texts from college students that crack me up!

I am thankful for Evan's smile.

I am thankful for Zachary's love of piano. And I am thankful for his teacher who is fostering his love for music with songs like "The Booger Song" and "The Underwear Song."

I am thankful for Thursday lunch with the love of my life.

I am thankful for my church and the staff and every single person sitting in the pews.

Most of all, I am thankful for Jesus. In a world gone mad, He is the hope I cling to and the Rock on which I stand. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! And be thankful for the little things.


  1. Thank you for being human and showing this side. I'm thankful God brought to us a Christian woman who is not afraid to show it. So many preachers wife are afraid to show they are just like every woan


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