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It's that time of year again. It's that time when my college babies are leaving the nest. Some of them are returning home for the summer to be with their families. Some are working jobs. Some are doing summer missions. A very few of them are staying in town for the summer to take classes, so I will see them (until we leave for sabbatic). However, some of them are leaving me for good because they are graduating. I've never had one of my biological children graduate, so I have yet to experience that life upheaval. But if having my college students finish their degrees and go off to have real, grown-up lives is any indication, I'm going to have trouble in about 11 years.

While I do enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of college ministry over the summer months, I do miss those sweet faces in my life. I miss studying the Bible with them. I miss our hang-outs and parties. I miss late-night text messages. I miss feeding them even. They really do become a part of me. When some of them graduate, it really is like losing a member of our family.

Many years ago, our church started the tradition of passing out snacks on campus during finals. We literally go to the school with baskets loaded with cookies and crackers and hand them out to the students walking to and from finals. This past year, our student minister Ryan came up with the brilliant idea of offering free coffee in the student center. It has been a huge hit on campus, much as the snack ministry has always been. It's not a big deal thing, but it truly makes a difference.

One year as I was passing out snacks, I handed one to a quiet natured girl whom I had never seen before. I could tell she was some sort of athlete, and we talked very briefly. I may have had one of my children with me. I don't really remember. But what she said has stayed with me since that day. "You all encourage us just by you being here."

I don't tell you this story to magnify the greatness of our church or our ministry to our college students. I do it for this reason - sometimes, all you need to do to make a difference is show up. Just show up. Be there. Be present. You often don't have to say a word. Your presence may be the very presence of Christ that someone needed. Because if you have Jesus in your heart, He lives in you, and you are His ambassador. Christ is in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). So show up. And sometimes, it doesn't hurt to have a snack with you!

Scenes from our college end of the year party
